Thursday, August 18, 2011

I just peirced my ears two weeks ago at a 10g and im up to a 4g now but my ears arent healed is that bad?

ive been using tapers and stuff to make sure i dont tear them but my girlfriend is worried that since i didnt let them heal at 10g where i peirced them and that im streching them up that when they do heal theyll be stuck like that for good even if i take my plugs out for good. any insight?

How is this nba tradeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

Id love to see this work, but i don't think carlos boozer would do good in a run and gun system. especially since his been bothered by knee injuries for the pas couple of seasons. but both of them are somewhat disgruntled with their teams already so they should be traded pretty soon.

Will this be Al Gore bashing day because he won a coveted international prize?

Americans should be proud of Gore being awarded the prize, regardless of political affiliation. Global warming, setting aside what "conservative" political broadcasters might say, is a situation that is an important issue facing all of us. With just about every Fortune 500 company facing the threat, isn't it time to acknowledge that something indeed is happening?

Why recieving flask in distilation should be in ice bath?

It helps to ensure that all vapors are condensed. A condenser in the distillation apparatus should do the job, but this is extra insurance to make sure. It's not always needed.

Math hlp!!!!!!!?

well im in this advance math cl and i cant figure this problem she asked us to add all the numbers from 1-100 and get the answers and see if there is a pattern/strategy 2 do it easily but i tried adding on the calculator but i dont get an answer my calculator broke 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10............,,,and so on so PLZ HHeeLLpp

Does anyone know where Mandy Vandayme lives?

I think Mandy still lives in New Jersey by the Jonas Brothers old house,and if anyone knows anything about this at all..please answer..Im taking a trip to Wyckoff this summer and I need to know. Thanks♥

Can you catch a p off the goal post?

Ok so I was watching the superbowl today and Manning threw that p in the 4th quarter that got deflected by a Saints player, and hit the crossbar and came back into the field of play. So if someone was there and they caught in with 2 feet inbounds, would that have been a touchdown/interception?

What does this dream means about Meator Showers?

This dream I had has very weird confusing kinda, but what does it mean. Ok this what happenend I was riding in the Car with my auntie, cousins and sister. I had a window sit and the sun looked So beautiful, so I tookk my phone to take pictures. The sun looked very huge, big,but I couldn't take a good picture don't why. But it was sunny and pretty then we were heading north and the disappear slowly and the moon came out . The moon looked so closed it was half a moon it growing rapily into this. A full moon . Dar clouds like torantos in the sky took the sun. It was 3:18pm in my dream. When the moon was almost a full moon a red spark came from distance I looked small. As soon as headed to earthit hit right in front of us it was a hugh firery meator. My auntie told us to get the car and go to her brother house who lived right down the street. It was daylight to midnight. We got out the car and meator showers were everywhere miny, big fire meators. We got inside the house, the storry connect cuz I met my so called uncle in another dream. Anyways while the meators are hitting the a whole people are dancing I don't if is religous or what. I am in the house for like an hour I went outside it was dark in our part of the city were the meators and sunny on the other side of town. I'm thinking since meators are gone over the its going to leave were I'm at. It did and then the sun came then everything was normall. I didn't see nobody die or a lot damage after words. Just during the meator shower it was damage. I thought it meant God coming back during ,but I don't know.What dream mean help me you can I know it very long. Thank You for reading


you need to tell him how you truly feel.... Something is eating away at you and you need to: "get it off your chest" as they say..... Be honest and you should feel better about it.... If you can't do that then tell somebody! GL

Help i am trying to move on with my life but its like my path being blocked by people who will not lisen?

and are trying to control me and are making me miserable perticular in my working life iam aways being undermined want can ido

How many different nitrogen bases are there (including those found in DNA and RNA)?

You have the five standard bases. However, nitrogenous bases in DNA and RNA are pyrimidines or purines. These are cles of organic molecules that have many other members. For example, some non-standard bases found in RNA are pseudouridine, inosine, hypoxanthine. The number of different possible bases is quite large as changing atoms and functional groups on the rings will create chemically distinct compounds. The choice between 20 and 26 is in your lecture notes.

There's very few of us left, can you speak up, cads?

I am writing a true acount of a British World War II female singer who was parachuted into France to demoralise the short- rationed enemy by singing at them her famous song 'Whale Meat Again'. The book will be entitled 'Allo, Allo Vera' and if you have any anecdotes about her adventures I'd be glad to consider their inclusion.

Who has a specific way of naming their dog? or dog breed?

My Min. Schnauzers and my GSDs all have or had German names. Liebchen, Schatze, Krieger and current Casar (Taysar) Darling,Sweetheart, Warrior and Cesar. With the exception of one Min. Schnauzer who was older when we got him and already named Turk, we just left it.

Religious question to religious people?

Please take and pay attention while in a remedial English cl. Capital letters and punctuation are your friends.

Do you think in due time an asteroid will hit the Earth, destroying the existence of all life as we know it?

Evidence has shown this has happened 6 times in Earth's history. Do you think it will happen again and if so, when?

Did you know that Kerry was down 6 points in 2004 polls at this point and he lost?

If you mean up 6 points then that's false. Bush was up but within the margin of error. I'll post the sources if you need them. Or just google it yourself.

How to cook a frozen uncooked homemade pot pie?

Bake all first, freeze extras wrapped in foil, then in plastic baggie. To reheat, allow to thaw at least partially in the frige. Heat in 350 oven about 40 mins. uncovered. If you're concerned with the crust browning too much, start with just the top covered for a while.

Atomic structure of OH-?

Alkaline water ionizers create an abundance of OH- molecules or hydroxide ions. Can someone tell me how many electrons the OH- ion has? I realize that oxygen has 8 electrons and Hydrogen has one. So how many electrons has OH- gained? Is this a covalent bond? What would a picture of this ion look like"

If you have read the book "The Crucible", I need help now!?

Can you tell me and explain a couple of reasons of why "The Crucible" has paradox in it? Like 3 reasons and explain them please.

Information on diets liek the atkins diet?

hi im gna go on a diet and am just wondering what teh best ones are, and teh most well known about diets

Everyone says Hilary is ugly, but...?

Who is everyone? I have not heard that statement made about her. I consider her an attractive woman even at her age. She does wear pantsuits almost exclusively, which I think it is to cover her very thick ankles.

Has anyone heard this about Obama?

While I'm not a gun owner, I am a citizen of Illinois and I know that he has voted against homeowners using firearms in defense of home and family. He has proven himself to be against gun ownership. Personally I don't feel that I need a gun, but the second amendment gives me the right to own guns if I want to. I have the right to protect myself, my family, and my property and noone, not even the federal government has the power to take that right away.

Problems with my RCA TV?

I just got a RCA 20' inch TV from Value City. I know it's refurbished but it should at least work properly. When I plugged it in Theres a sunburst green color in the lower right hand side with a blue backround on the TV. When I plug my cable in to it, the cable picture is discolored where the green would appear with no cable plugged in. The picture besides that is also bad. It's badly distorted with haze and discoloration. Will I have the same problmes if I go back and get another one or should I just get a new TV from some where else?

Name 10 monuments and forts built during the mughal period.?

there are india Pakistan....namely ....Delhi fort ,,,Delhi mosque ...tomb ...of taj mahl...fate pur secrery ...Shalimar garden Jahangir,s tomb noorjahan tomb lahore fort ,,,,badshahi mosque....shish mahal ..noulaka palace .....moti masjid ....humauan tomb Delhi....and so on....sara

My cat wont eat and wont go to the toilet?

my cat is very old he is about 19 years old for the last 3 days he wont eat anything and is sleeping all the time he wont go to the toilet he just sits in it or last night he curled up and went to sleep in it today he started weesing allot he keeps trying to be sick but noghing comes up. my mum doesnt wont to tack him to the vet because she cont afored it and also hes very old he also is losing wait

Willis Mcgahee or Ricky Williams?

I am in a bind here, I want to start Willis because he is proven and is up against a bad Bengals D, but the injury reports are scaring me. I have Ricky on my bench also facing a bad defense. I am leaning towards Ricky but suggestions would help. Thanks

What is a good way to show my mother-in-law our appreciation?

What a sweetheart! I think taking her to dinner is a great idea. At dinner I would give her a photo album and tell her you'll send her pictures every month. Also, a thoughtful note is always a good thing to write, usually means more then anything else.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How can decent people watch TV?

It disgusts me that there is so much corruption put in front of so many people these days, through TV. , violence, vulgarity, disrespect, disobediance to parents, rebellion, all sorts of immorality, to name a few, are all over tv these days and taught to be ok!! People have no morals these days. Billboards are basicly's sick. Innocence and Purity are made fun of and called immaturity, when in reality they are great virtues. I can't stand it!!! Why can't anyone control themselves?? Why is it that people can blaspheme the name of Christ and feel no remorse? How can people be so promiscuious and not understand it will only bring misery and heartache???

Why am I fat in the face only? I'm a guy?

perhaps it is due to bad diet. i am sure that you have fat elsewhere on your body. it is just that you don't notice it that much. if you were to start a healthy regime (ie, diet and exercise) you would be suprised not just how much weight you would loose in your face but also elsewhere on your body too.

Fairness between splitting bill between friends?

Everyone should have separate tickets that way everything is fair. No reason to do it any other way, if fair is really what your after. Good Luck and God Bless.

Hows my Fantasy Football team?

It is hard to tell how well a person drafted in a 6 team league because it looks like everyone drafted well. Turner's backup is Jerrious Norwood


I Have A Dell Computer. Since Yesterday Afternoon My Computer Has Been Restarting On Its Own. & It Usually It Will Restart Every Few Minutes. Also, When I Try & Go To Facebook or Yahoo Mail The Full Page Doesnt Load. & When I Click On My Inbox It Wont Go To My Inbox.. I Have McAfee & McAfee Said We Recieved A Virus & That My Computer Is Now In "Enhanced Protection Mode". But, It Seems Like McAfee Isnt Working. Because It Hasnt Gotten Any Better Since Yesterday.

Planted Tank. What is the SHORTEST aquatic "gr" I can get for my tank?

I have a 20 gallon tank with 2 small driftwood pieces and one large one. I have a few plants, even growing on the driftwood, but I want something that will cover the bottom but won't grow so tall. I don't care about the price, or how hard it can be to find it. The bottom of my tank has those little TINY pebble looking ...things... (I'm not sure what to call rocks). No CO2 but once I get the gr, I will purchase some... :)

Doctor Who Mr Saxon?

Harry is short for Harold. Once he takes over everybody will just have to call him Master anyway ;-)

Obama vs. Trump: Do you think Donald Trump is a racist?

He has been in the media alot BASHING Pres. Obama on his education & his citizenship & its disgusting! To even be qualified for the US presidency, you have to prove you are a citizen. And guess what? He is the president so he did prove it. Plus, he released part of his birth certificate in 2008 which is the part you need to get your drivers license. Why wasn't that enough? Trump said he would release his taxes when Obama released his certificate and I haven't seen his taxes yet. And now that he has proven that he is a citizen again, Trump is questioning how Obama got into Harvard & how smart he is. REALLY? I know people play the race card loosely but seriously? Im throwing it out there! Trump just cant not wrap his mind around a guy who is black and born into poverty got accepted into Harvard and he was born rich and didn't get accepted. This isn't legally blonde! You actually have to be smart to get into Harvard. I just read a question a minute ago about how a girls ex left her cause his family hated Americans. This is why! This isn't Martha Steward or Rosie O'Donnell. This is the PRESIDENT of the United States. The fact he is going this far to disrespect him only proves the point to people who hates Americans. Obama isnt perfect and he hasnt had alot of room to make change but Bush isnt perfect either! So why didnt Trump go after him when the weapons of m destruction wasn't found? I tried to look for other reasons why & the only one i could come up with is, Obamas black.

How does banning torture make the USA less safe as a nation?

well, it was't illegal, everything was done in accordance to international guidelines, and since all of the people we used advanced interrogation techniques aren't our citizens, even if it was torture it wouldn't be going against our laws. And keeping or military agencies from doing all that is possible to get much needed information, can result in a loss of safety.

Superbowl, Steelers or the Packers? Guess on the score? MIne is Steelers 21-14?

Steelers 17 - 10. Both teams have strong defenses and both have had lapses during the season. Both teams have excellent QBs. The Steelers have a better running game. The Steelers have offensive line problems. The Packers have enough defense to pressure Roethlisberger, but he's experienced that for the past few years and been successful. I'd I'd like to see the Packers win, but think the Steelers are more likely. This is likely to be another low scoring game. It wouldn't be a huge surprise either way it turns out - the only thing that would surprise me is if it turns out to be a blow out. Since the Redskins aren't in the game I really don't have a strong preference; I'm leaning toward the Packers because it's been longer since they've won one, but I really like it to be a good game which ever way it turns out.

Could I be pregnant??Just had to ask?

Did anyone actually feel that they were not moody at all before getting a BFP? I am usually SO moody the week before AF for no reason at all and I have not been at all. I have actually been in the best mood ever!! Another thing is I have been having pains in my like towards my chest and also my . What do you all think? AF is due on the 4th and this is our 5th month TTC. I am hopeful!!

Looking for some new tunes. Any suggestions?

Evanescence...Flyleaf...Hole...Arch Enemy (Death Metal, but good, and female singer.) That's really all I can think of at the moment..oh, and We Are the Fallen...they're made up of members of Evanescence and an American Idol contestant...but she's really good...check 'em out.

Need advice please - heard too much and am a bit confused.?

Been with my boyfriend for 2 1/2 years. He has a best friend that is female. She lives in a different province. They have been friends for 18 years. There were going to get together about 3 years ago, didn't due to her health. She is constantly phoning him, and wanting to come and visit, they discuss my relationship with my boyfriend, and he phones her and tells her stuff about me - its like a betrayal of sorts - that is the way I feel. Its weird. She visited us about 8 months ago, she wanted to bring her dog - no worries there and then go to buy a vehicle about 3 hours away and wanted my boyfriend to go with her, - I had to stay at home because the dog needed to be with them on the trip! They left at 11 am - got home at 11:30 pm!!!! it was only a 6-7 hour trip. they said it was the dog's fault - she gets car sick??? Lately she has been talking about moving to our town -and being close to him - yes, I found an email that says she wants to be closer to him? and that she is selling her place, may need a place to stay for a while before she buys...I am like what?? our place is too small - its a two bedroom apt....should I stay and trust this guy - or maybe just move on and enjoy my life....HELP!!

I have a strange illness, unsteady, groggy in the head. What could it be?

Allergies can cause many of your symptoms. It even causes nausea as mucus goes down the back of your throat to you stomach.

What is wrong with my elbow when I am lifting things?

I was weighting lifting in athletics and my elbow made a very loud popping or cracking sound. It hurt really bad for a little bit and then it got better. Now it has been a couple months and it happens with more things like when I brush my teeth and the extend my arm it pops. Anybody have any idea what is wrong?

What Is Brink Exactly About And What Are Its Characteristics.?

I want to know what is BRINK exacly about before i buy it. Is BRINK a campaign or ,multiplayer game. I think its like a multiplayer experinece were you earn xp mixed with a storyline. Does this game have an actual storyline or its just multiplayer matches. What do you use your xp for, What are the attachments available for weapons, are the weapons real weapons are they are weapons from the own game????? Is there anything like a challenge mode so if you get bored you get to build up some xp in a different fun way. Is the game a 1st person shooter or 3rd person, or you can switch between. Also, lets say i dont have xbox live, i guess ill be playing with computer bots, is the AI of these bots smart or these enemies are just going to act retarded once they see you. I heard about different types of things like, The option were you are heavy and hard to kill or your light, fast, but easier to kill and something called engeneer???? Explain everything you can,,, thank you

How to make acquaintances friends?

Okay so I'm 15 and have many acquaintances they are just people I talk to at school. I hang out with them at lunch and partners and things in cl but we don't hang out outside of school I don't know what to do to hang out. Like today was the first day of school and I just made 2 more people in homeroom and sat with them at lunch. I probably have 10-15 acquaintances and I'll probably meet more people this year. So I don't really know how to make friends with these people I talk to at school

How do poetic elements contribute to the meaning of my last duchess

I'm quite familiar with the poetry of Robert Browning but I am equally familiar with the problem of laziness and academic dishonesty. Browning I like, the problem I don't. You will receive no help from me.

What should I get my boyfriend for his birthday that is not expensive?

His birthday is in 2 weeks I dont have money and he is even ping thru difficult economic times. I would wnat to give him something really special something unique but obviously something that is not expensive. Its his first birthday with me so I want it to be memorable. Do you have any suggestions of something unique, maybe something you did to your boyfriend/girlfriend?

What happend to CW's show "The Game"?

Does anyone know what happened to CW's sitcom "The Game"? Is the season over? I really like the show, but the last new episode that aired definitely wasn't "season finale" material. Did the show get pulled?

Historically and statistically, most gay people have been born out of what type of couple?

For me it was A and C... I'm gay and I'm not sure what point you are trying to prove here. But, I was raised in the traditional family and I know I was born gay. So if you are going to try to say I was conditioned into/learned ity, please point out which of my straight parents did that please. :)

Do you remember when.............?

In 2004 "Spirit" the first of two rovers of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Mission, landed successfully on Mars at 04:35 Ground UTC?

What day and time is the Superbowl on in England?

SkySports will be carrying it live. Kickoff is at 6:30 Eastern time, which is 5 hours behind the UK.

Do phylums nematoda, mullulsca, annelida, arthropoda, echinodermata reproduce ually or aually?

do phylums nematoda, mullulsca, annelida, arthropoda, echinodermata reproduce ually or aually? And if possible what are there body symmetry's

Does This Sound Right ...?

try La vieille dame habitait dans une grande chaussure or la vieille dame a habit� dans une grande chaussure

What democrat has the better shot of beating McCain this Fall? If Any? Who will win the electoral college map?

Either one of them will beat McCain. Whichever the nominee shall be, the electoral map should look something like this: The Democratic Candidate will win every state that Kerry won in 2004 and pick up Ohio (enough to win right there), Iowa, New Mexico, and possibly also Colorado, Nevada, and Nebraska. Clinton would have a better shot at winning Florida, but it's unlikely she would, McCain has the backing of a popular governor and Florida seems to be trending towards becoming a solid Red State. Pennsylvania will vote Democratic no matter what, and because of McCain's pro-Nafta and his "screw you" attitude towards the Rust Belt, Ohio should easily fall into the Democratic camp this time, and seems to be trending Democrat.

What would America be like under a dictatorship?

That is exactly where we are headed. We basically have an oligarchy now. Clinton and Bush did all kinds of garbage without Congress' or the people's permission. The president is just a face and congress is a meaningless joke. NAFTA = the end of the U.S., and that is the plan. So long to the republic. Say hello to U.N. global authority.

Wild Human beings/ The forbidden Experiment?

What you did not see was the lack of the nurture portion of life. A lot of these so called "wild" ones were dropped in the world with little or no nurturing. When life is a struggle man descends to the lowest most efficient human which is more beast than man to survive

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How to check fuel pressure in plymouth voyager?

Find the fuel injectors, follw the tube that feeds the fuel to the injectors, you will find a schrader valve to attach your fuel pressure gage to. If there is no schrader valve, detach the fuel line, install a t-connector and your gage.

Does anyone remember a cartoon show from the late 80s/early 90s about future cowboys in the future?

I remember watching it when I was younger and I don't remember much beyond a few details. I know there were two main male characters that were adults and I vaguely remember them being cowboys. They rode around in a giant spaceship with their cadre. When I ask people they point to Outlaw Star which is a seemingly close parallel but Outlaw Star is A) Foriegn and B) created about 7 years after I watched this cartoon. Anyone have a clue?

Think My Team Can Win The Championship?

No, not enough pop in the lien up. You OF only has one great player, Matsui, and he might not be 100% this year. Longoria is a big gamble. Street is also unpredictable, Jones..... enough said, Lidge, don;t really know what he will do, and Percival... i just dont know. If your gambles pay off you might have a good team...

Wrote a opening to a story ( gory )?

I honestly think it's a good start. I like how you write as if you were telling the story to someone. You need to work on punctuation, though, I had to reread several lines to figure out when one sentence ended and another began. I think you should finish the story, let the reader know what happens next, does the monster die, how did she get that way, how does the town react, that sort of thing. Then do some editing and you'll have a good short story right in time for Halloween!

How can I be a stand-up comic? 10 points for best tips!?

I would start out by making a video and posting it on you tube. That way you will see how the world reacts and possible get picked up by an agent.

I want a sound effect ringtone for my Blackberry. Any ideas...?

Ideally the sound of a lion roaring. I am wary of the ringtones you can download over the web. Is there any software or a method of recording your own?

How would you guys react if the Raiders beat the Steelers tomorrow?

Embarred, disgusted with the Steelers. If the last 2 weeks haven't been wake up calls for them, then there's something wrong with them. On offense you can't be one dimensional with the football, as the Steelers tend to get sometimes and on defense you can't rely on one player to make the big plays for you, that being Troy. The secondary needs to step it up and not collapse late in the game. I have confidence the Steelers will come out ready to go tomorrow and beat the Raiders.

I have a question about a photo?

So my uncle died and we were going through is stuff and found a huge photo of jimi hendrix (5 feet by 4 feet) and its a close up of him singing. I was wondering if it is worth anything and if it is abut how much becuase i might want to sell it to a pawn shop.

How do you replace a centre rear view mirror in a ford falcon au III?

Was out with my mates and one of their heads collided with my rear view mirror on the inside of the car snapping it, there is the part that attaches it to the window still on there, how do i remove that and replace it with a new one?

Is it true that you're supposed to clean out your freezer once in awhile?

i went in there the other day to get a vintage hungry man turkey dinner that i bought back in '97, and much to my surprise, the entire freezer compartment was a block of ice. i think that my dinner is still in there though, but it's hard to tell through the greenish tint and all of the frozen roaches. what do you say...should i thaw that bad boy out and nuke it?

I need help with this relationship?

You don't explain why you believe it's okay for you and your boyfriend to have , but not Abby and her boyfriend. You may be trying to control a situation that doesn't require your intervention. Sounds like the 3 of you need to sit down and come up with some ground rules (Yes, even for you.) that you can all agree on. You may not want to face it, but she is getting older and doing something that is pretty normal for her age. Good luck.


put "god theory" in youtube. check that out. believe or not physicist also believes in god. beyond big bang theory there is "god theory"

size!? What can i do? How much bigger?

Hey, my name is Mike and i am 15 y/o. Here's the thing. Me and my girlfriend Jess have been going out for about... 6 months now and a couple weeks ago we decided to start having . The first time we had was great (on my end) but i could tell Jess wasn't moaning from the pleasure but from the pain. We talked about it but she told me that it hurts for most girls when they have for the first time. We've had 12 times now and the pain doesn't seem to stop. We talked it over and came to the conclusion that my is too big. I knew i was going to inherit this because, unfortunately, i have heard rumors about my older brother. We measured my and it is around 7 inched give or take. How can we fix this problem? Is there any way that we can make this enjoyable for BOTH of us? And also... how much more will it grow? I am almost 6 feet tall and again i am 15 and my is about 7 inches long. Please help if possible. Thank you!!

Surely one of you has had this experience or has an answer for me!?

Ok, I thought I ovulated around the 12th of this month when my cervix was soft and high and I had a small amount of EWCM, then my cervix returned to lower firmer more closed position. For the last few days later it was soft high and more closed with no EWCM. We went ahead and bd'd last night and then today I have been spotting. Is this my period or implantation from the 12th? I am so confused! I have had no more spotting. I have EXTREMELY irregular periods so this is why I have been tracking cervical position and mucus. (With extremely clean hands, so I don't need a lecture about that!) Thanks in advance for your advice!!

What important things did Gandhi do?

It's for a speech. I need to say the important things he did that lead him to become one of the most important people of the 20th century. Bullet points please?

FACE TURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I like shelton heel or face, he is an awsome performer, and Morrison is impressive as well, i wouldnt mind seeing morrison turn face, and him and shelton team up, and later in the future fued for the WWE title.

Want to conceive off the pill now?

i was on tablets for bronchitis and i was half way through my pill (21 days of pills) and i got my period so im off it over a week now and me and my boyfriend are going t try for a baby im 19 hes you think it will be hard coz i was on the pill??i was on it 4 or 5 months xxx

Why can't our society (the media and liberals) see the hypocrisy that it's displaying?

well said, its my 'opinion' that people who are weak of character have to look to other means to influence those around them. if their own history and record isnt enough to give them the power they seek then they have to try other ways. in addition, some people are too arrogant to think that they could have anything to do with their own failure, so they must create a history(rewrite, if you will) that they can live with.

How long would a written warning from Oklahoma Highway Patrol be kept on record? Educated answers only plz!?

I got pulled over the other day for speeding on the highway. The trooper took my DL and was cool enough to give me a written warning. Does the Oklahoma Highway Patrol keep a database on these and if so how long would it be kept in it? I don't want to get pulled over twenty years from now and get gigged for something that happened long ago!

Hey Bears Fans How Do You Feel!!!!!!!!?

haha dave c obviously didnt watch the same game i saw where cutler threw every interception into a sea of green. that was a horrible performance by Jay Cutler and no bears fan can try to justify those turnovers. and also to dave c, maybe the bears would have won without the turnovers but the thing is you don't take those turnovers away. they still happened. so the bears loss because there quarterback mistaked white for green.

What is a good name for a homemade pie business?

It will be a small business or LLC for fresh homemade pies. My mothers name is Maggie. She is called Mag Pie from her friends. So any help will be much appreciated....

Is the Samsung Eternity a good texing phone?

hey im thinkin of getting a new phone and cant chose between the eternity and some others.. ive heard nothing but good things about the eternity but i text a lot and i want a phone that i could easily text with.i have tried textin with the iphone but i hated it... i saw just wondering if the eternity is any better

Does anyone know a website that has photos of Victoria Justice at Keke Palmer's Sweet 16 birthday party?

I've tried Google searching them, but all I found were a few short videos of her from the party, but no pictures. Maybe someone else knows where there are pictures or will have better luck finding someone. Thanks.

What is the general consensus of the 21 to 30 group ,..what do you think of the President?

i am would be interesting to see the statistical to what people in that age group feel,.. as many of them would constitute an indication of the leaning of New voters polls.

What is the main difference between "Prophecy" and "Prediction"?

I think that prophecy is more linked to religious views, making a prediction out of nowhere and having it happen, whereas prediction by itself is usually based off of known facts, such as an area that has frequent earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions, you can predict essentially when the next one will occur within a time frame.

Lady Gaga- Satanic imagery in her videos!?

I am a true follower of Aleister Crowley and must say that this "Lady Gaga" is talentless and a true phoney - she knows nothing about Crowley or the occult, which I have been involved with for many years. She is an insult to occultists and Crowley followers like myself. Don't be fooled by her, us occultists and Crowley followers would NEVER listen to talentless or horrible music like hers. Crowley himself hated women like her. We listen to diverse and great music like the old blues guys Robert Johnson, Bo Diddley, Howlin' Wolf, great jazz artists like Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington and miles Davis, folk like Woody Guthrie, Joan Baez and Joni mitchell and clic rock like Led Zeppelin, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. We hate modern computerized, false, trashy music like Gaga, madonna and Katey Perry. It's awful and involves no talent. Lady Gaga is no occultist, she is nothing more than a false, talentless idiot.

Boys, Boys, Boys, what to do????

Ok I just broke up with my boyfriend well he broke up with me and it took me a little while to get over him but thats ok they only problem is now, he said he wanted to be friends but now he wont talk to me its been abut a months now and he haven't said boo to each other I am really worried because I want to be friends and I know I told him I would give him some space but for me to do that I have had to find a hole different group to hang out with and I really miss my other friends and hanging with them but I don't want to set him off by getting too close or anything and I have tried talking to him about it but every time he just goes off at me and then I feel bad so please help me I really don't know what to do please help me

Monday, August 15, 2011

WI Gov. says his plan doesn't touch teachers $36 hr. avg wage. Face reality or layoffs?

Yes. These are all things that he said he would do as Govenor. The people voted him into office and now that he's actually doing what he said, the people are mad. Go figure.

Please read this it concerns you all?

yesterday there were two power surges where i live before the power surge i had got up to level 3 and had 1,333 points after the power surge i now am on level 1 with 133 points what i am trying to say is it takes a lot of hard work to give proper advice to people and it seems so unfair that a power surge can wipe them out so that could happen to any one of you people who have thousands and thousands of points i have tried to contact yahoo but i get a email back saying i am sorry we can not send to this address i will build the points back up i am determined but i would of thought i would of got a bit more in the way of support from yahoo can anyone think of anything else i can do or do i cut my loses and start again thanks guys Angela

Molarity of solutions and dilutions?

A standard solution of potium dichromate, K2Cr2O7 (MM=294.2/mole) is prepared for dilution.First a stock solution of potium dicromate is prepared by dissolving 25.00 grams in a total volume of 500.0mL. Second a 5.000mL portion of this stock solution is placed in a flask and diluted to a final volume of 100.0mL. Calculate the molarity of the final solution.

l Discharge in Hamsters?

I recently got a new female hamster from PetSmart. Since the first time I have held her, she has had some nasty l discharge. It smells of intense urine and it looks like a little white blob. What may be wrong with her? Other than that she is behaving like a normal hamster, running around and such and all her other bodily functions are normal except her feces is slightly... mushy?

How does this property differ from other properties that we used to clify elements?

Isotopes are clifies as radioisotopes because they demonstrate the property of radioactivity. How does this property differ from other properties that we have used to clify elements?

What are 3 different quadratic functions that have the line x=2 as their line of symmetry?

Ok, so i need this done asap.... i would really like to get these answers because i need them for my math homework that i really want to get done. please and thank you.

What can I send my soldier in Iraq?

My husband was sent to Kuwait a few days ago and I find the need to send him something. Can anyone help me think of some ideas?

Who would win between an alligator and a black bear?

On the Animal Planet show, Animal Face-Off, they computer simulated a fight between a gator and a florida black bear. The gator attacked the bear and tried to drag it into the water. The fight was in the gator's favor, but the bear gutted the gator when it went into a death roll.

Need some RB help for the playoffs?

Right now I am starting Ryan Grant, Larry Johnson, and Sammy Morris. I have Maurice Morris against STL (and can also pick up Julius Jones since no one knows who will start) and I also have Tatum Bell who looks like will be the starter in Denver. Should I leave it the way I have it? Sammy Morris concerns me with split carries, and LJ concerns me because they will probably fall behind and have to throw a lot.

What is your top 5 or 10 Foo Fighter songs?

I'm just curious to know. there are so many Foo songs out there, and i have a feeling i might be missing out on some of their less popular songs that are actually really good. So yeah thanks. :)

Are the Bengals the Miami Heat of the NFL, with their "Super Team" of Palmer, Owens and Ocho-Cinco?

Your talking about 3 top players on the Heat that make up 60% of the team vs 3 players that aren't the best at their position that make up less than 10% of their team. Seems self-explanatory to me.

Which one????? :) HONEST opinions?

none of them, if you are in high school none of those will work. well at least in my high school that will not work, i think you would want something more sophisticated or more fashionable

Roxys - the drug What is it??

What are "roxys" (the drug) what do they do to you how do they make you feel when you take them how addictive are they how hard are they to get off of are they expensive? are they ingested or crushed and snorted. what is the death rate in taking them? my friend has a problem and before i address him i would like to know all facts.

Red Sox fans and Oakland fans need your help?

ok, so i've debated for a long time as to who i want to be my favorite baseball team and i've got it down to the final 2 i either want the Red Sox or the Athletics to be my favorite team and i only want 1 favorite. so will you please tell me which team you would choose and why you PERSONALY like the team. thank you

What is everyone and hating MCR??

I think it is an awsome band, i dont get why people hate them so much. I love the music that they play, the lyrics are slightly odd (dont make sence) from time to time, but they are a good band. I guess this is my point of view, but come on, they are a good alterative rock band. Admit it.

Can the A’s-Tigers/Giants games at the Tokyo Dome be seen in the U.S.?

It looks like the Athletics’ll broadcast the games on the radio, but is there any way to watch the exhibition games against the Hanshin Tigers and the Yomiuri Giants on TV in the States? I know Dish Network has TV Japan, which carries NHK programming, and I think NHK shows some Giants games... (?) but what about the Tigers?

Teens and love??

ok so i'm 14 and as u may of guessed i'm a little confused about boys. I have two crushes which I am fighting myself about. one sits next to me in science and homeroom. he's really hot and i just met him this year. he seems ... like an outgoing crazy guy hoo would be fun to hang out with. he's a "popular" jock, where as I'm pretty and athletic, but wouldn't consider myself part of the "popular" jock group. we talk a lot in science tho, and he always makes me laugh. he showed up at my volleyball game once, but idk if he knew i played. the other boy was in some of my cles last year, and is in a few of them this year too. he's a really sweet, funny boy hoo's a little shy around girls. we talk a lot more this year than last year, and he's always saying hi to me in the halls. he also tries to make me laugh and tries to get my attention. i'm not sure which one to choose. or even y i want to choose. i'm not planning on asking either out. which would u want as a bf and why?? thnx!! <3333333

How do I keep a pacifier in my baby's mouth?

I have a 2 month old baby that really likes pacifiers after a feeding, but he has one problem. Since he was born he hasn't been able to keep a good suction. I cant just sit there and hold it all day, because I have a daycare and I have other babies to watch and tend to too. Is there any way to help him keep it is his mouth?

Interested, not interested - mixed signals, desperate help?

pls be clear of your feeling or your relationship wont start nor end/begin be clear of your feeelings

Sunday, August 14, 2011

OMG!!! How does this look in Print?

Obama and Bi (nla) den? The NEW antichrist want to rule the states! That is too close to Osama Binladen. You would think he would think about what the names together look like. You lost my vote now.

My Dad's farts smell like nicotine -- is this because he smokes so much?

It wouldn't smell like nicotine because the amount of nicotine in a cigarette is incredibly minute so do you mean they smell like cigarettes? If so I'm not sure that's possible because that would mean he's ingesting the smoke rather than inhaling it.

What's your avatar wearing?

mines is wearin a blue polo short sleave shirt and sum plaid polo shorts and also sum polo shoes. she is wearing a silver necklace and silver dimound shape earrings. and she is wearing a school background and a shabby kute dog

At the end of season 2 of Heroes Nathan is shot, then Angela talks to someone about it on the phone. Who?

they never explained it and we may never know. the only logical one i can think of would be future peter but we never see them talking so who knows? its just another plot hole

He confuses me badly!?

So me and this guy I like are pretty close and me and him never got to date because i was currently in a relationship, but now im not and neither is he and me and him have spent several times "snuggling" on my front porch four hours late at night. So one day my friend decided to adrupt our really close sitting conversation and say WHEN ARE YOU TWO GOING TO DATE! and then he said were not going to. But i want to knwo why he has been "snuggling" with me for the past couple of days since i got back from a trip. help?

Voting Every Politician Out?

Despite your party affiliations... if a movement would transpire, would you be willing to vote out every politician, no matter the letter after their name (Dem, Rep, Ind)

Liberal Democrats, do you believe military action is ever acceptable?

If Venezuela attacked Miami with it's newly purchased Russian Mig-29's what should be the best recourse for the USA?

Of mice and men chapter 2 question!!!?

Your a freshman ! lol i remember reading that like 3 years ago when i was too anyhow for those you need to remember the definitions for all of those things like symbolism of the mice to Lenny , foreshadowing on lennys actions , irony as to what happened with the town before , and imagery for how the sences play into it , have a good rest of the school year hun

Games with a dark feel?

I'm looking for a ps3 or pc game that has that dark/mysterious feel. I absolutely loved Amnesia: The Dark Descent, and i'm trying to find more games that have a similar atmospheric feel.

Rate my baby name list.Thanks?

The ones that I liked for girls are: Michaela Paige, Kailey Renee, Amber Lynn, and Mckenna Laura. McKenna's my name! The ones that I liked for boys are: Hayden Travis, Noah Riley, and Sterling Clayton.

Damn the torpedoes; Space Race!?

Ditch the international scene! Build and Buy AMERICAN only!!!!! Drill for oil in America...we know we have billions of barrels! Count me in!

Question on Vista Home Premium?

Right click program and select compatibility / Run this program in compatibility mode for windows xp / Select run this program as an administrator. Please give me best answer if this works.

Why do they fear us so?

Black excellence, is not a bad thing, so why fight it? Why keep your feet upon our necks? We wish to live, and thrive, as a free people, in this Society; the same way you do! Tell me, is that so wrong? Ask your self, why am I so scared of black intelligence, black pride, black prosperity, black love, black peace! And then ask your self, why am I such a damn fool, for being this way? They pose no threat to my well being, if I have my stuff together, that is!

What are the chances of the Mavericks winning 23 straight to finish the season?

Winning 23 in a row in the NBA is a very difficult task. Even if you play New Jersey 23 times in a row odds are New Jersey would win at least two. I agree the schedule is very favorable. The Lakers had a large imbalance of home and road games that is not favorable for the final quarter of the season. I do not see them over taking the Lakers. The Mavs are playing well and I think are a top 3 team in the west with Denver and L.A.

How can I find more information on booking algorithms?

I am in the process of developing a hotel room booking engine (I cannot use an existing product, but must develop it from scratch). I want to know where I can find an efficient algorithm that can let me know if, for example room type B is available certain dates for X amount of people, given the total amount of B rooms in the hotel, the capacity per room, and existing bookings.

TTC #2 High level of FSH - 22?

I'm 30 years old and have been ttc #2 since Feb 08. I had my first son in Oct 06 after ttc for 1 year. I've just come back from the fertility specialist with some results that i'm told are not good. My fsh level was 22. At the same time my prolactin was 10 ug/L and luteinizing was 17 u/l. My cycles can range anywhere between 30 - 40ish days but did go through a phase of where it was 45 - 60 for about 6-7 months. The specialist has said my chances of conceiving are slim to say the best and said with my fsh at 22 it's like i'm almost going in to menopause. He sent me for another blood test to make sure the results were correct. Does anyone have advice or been in a similar situation which may give me some hope? My last Af was on June 19. The blood work was done on the 30th June. Thanks.

A property listing disclosure says probate, what is a probate sale like?

"Purchasing a house for sale under probate begins much like any other purchase. A buyer has their agent place an offer on the home. The first person to put in an offer on the home and have that offer accepted becomes the "original offeror." After this offer has been accepted, the probate attorney for the estate will petition the probate court for a confirmation hearing, to confirm the sale of the property.* The hearing date is generally set for 30-45 days from the date of petition. However, occasionally longer time will be granted for contingencies (loans, inspections, appraisals) to be removed, but the contingencies are not guaranteed. It's also important to note that the attorney will not petition the courts until all contingencies have been removed."

Who is very helping person on 360?

i want to learn manythings but how will i trust on any unknown person bec. before this i trust a person but he cheated me

Can someone please help me with this chemistry question?

propane gas is used to heat a tank of water. If the tank contains 200.0L of water, what m of propane will be required to raise its temperature from 20.0C or 65.0C? (deltaHcomb=-2220 Kj/mol)

Would you trade Ty Conklin and Michal Rozsival for Alexander Semin in yahoo standard fantasy?

No. I'm sure you can get a better goaltender than Conklin who splits a lot of the duties with #1 Osgood. Try to fish around and send trades to try and get a true #1 starter IE; S. Mason, H. Lundqvist, R. Luongo, or N. Backstrom.

What is a MITT team? or A MTT team? In US Army.?

I heard an officer talk about when he was a part of this, but I wasnt sure what kind of team this is or for what purpose. Thanks.

I'm looking for gyms in my area?

I live in the uk, Devon, plymouth to be exact. And i am looking for some gyms in that area, if anyone lives in the uk and in the plymouth area, could u please give me some names i could check out on gyms please, i'd be ever so grateful. Thank u

Global temperatures can ____ a few degrees in response to large volcanic eruptions that emit a lot of ash.?

2) Drop.... if it has enough ash, it could shade the earth from the sun. but it would have to be a lot of ash.

What's good to use to clean white shoes.?

I have white pumas, they are leather and the dye from my jeans has stained them a bit. Anyways I was wondering if anyone knows something good to use to clean them : )

What are the different plates and gles used in banquet service?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is the asteroid belt just a ninth planet that was destroyed by jupiter?

It's more likely that it's the "leftovers" from the formation of the Solar System. Jupiter's gravity prevented formation of any planet there.

How did Leonardo Da vinci change the world?

I don't think he really had an effect on the world as we would like to think. Today he is most know for being a painter and during his lifetime he was not taken seriously beyond art and invetion though mostly inventions of weapons(despite the fact that he despised war). He was largely criticized on his scientific findings(leave it to the church to do this), and after his death his notes were taken apart sold, given away, and some were probably destroyed. Some scholar argue that we now posses only from one third to one fifth of all of his notes. His discoveries in medicine alone would have earned him a name in the history books, but due to the lack of understanding of his contemporaries he work went overlooked. Leonardo was a man truly ahead of his times, and it's a shame that his contemporaries did not take him more seriously.

What you think the scamer Harold Camping's did all that money he made?

I like to know what the scamers Harold Camping did all that money he made on these so called world come to a end. Me I'm starting to hate these christian people like him and their bs.

If Romney is so worried about America, why doesn't he run as an independent?

Like Ross Perot did. I mean why risk any of your money on a Primary system that you might not win. Hip Mitt must be aware of the Cat Stevens lyrics, "Hard to get by, just upon a smile, girl(added on purpose)." I dont want Mr. Romney going on welfare, or anything like that. I just wouldn't be able to sleep at night, knowing his family might be going hungry.

I have a six month old Angus steer, who appears injured, but I can't get near him (he's unhandled). Help?

He arrived 4 days ago with 6 other steers, and we were (and still are) keeping them in the cattle yard until they settle. Only this particular steer got out on the first night, and went to a neighbours property, in search of his mother. I spotted him amongst their herd of dairy cows, and he looked fine - not lame or otherwise unhealthy. The neighbours brought him back the next day, and he was quite worked up, and they commented that he's quite wild, and that he 'had a go' at one of the men that morning. Now, he's still much more wary than the other steers - seems very frightened of humans. But he's quite lame on his right foreleg, and reluctant to move too much, although still eating his hay and moving away from us if we approach. He also seems to be shaking slightly. Any ideas would be most appreciated - I am new to cattle. It's a genuine question so genuine answers only please. I don't need to be insulted.

Why won't Warmers answer this simple basic question about the climate?

For years, your scientists, your politicians and YOU have been citing warmer winters and less snow as proof of Global Warming, you cannot deny this, there's tons of video and audio evidence. This winter we have huge snowstorms, blizzards, etc...and you say it's proof of Global Warming? How can this be? The entire northern hemisphere is cold, not just certain spots like your theories state would be the case, there is NO warm air to be found...This is just the opposite of what you have saying for years is the proof...For you to even have a chance of being correct, there would have to be just as many areas in the northern hemisphere will record warmth, WHERE ARE THEY? I am very serious about this, do you have any idea of how this looks to most people? How silly you look? The whole myth is unraveling right out in the open for all to see and you still keep believing in it? I will bet any amount...that within 5-10years...ANYONE who even mentions this will be laughed at!

Lost $475 security dep because I couldn't find a co-signer. Didn't sign anything, is this legit?

I applied for an apartment and put $475 down. A week later the lease was mailed to me and I realized I needed a co-signer. I couldn't get one so I let them know that same day. They're telling me they're keeping my money because the deposit is "forfeit". I can't believe that's possible since I never read anything that said that - am I really out $475?

Why is it that some women want their men to beat a person after they said something negative to them?

It shows that our guys care about us enough to do something. and we don't always actually want you to do it. we just like hearing you say that you will.

Is the story of King Solomon an inspiration to you?

The Proverbs of Solomon are one of my favourite parts of the Bible, and I use loads of them on my staff at work, they haven't a clue where all these cool sayings come from, but they too find inspiration from them. Solomon Rocks!

How many songs can you name with 3 or more covers by other famous bands?

Preferably 3 studio versions instead of live versions with only bad quality youtube videos. I have All Along the Watchtower (Jimi Hendrix, The Fratellis, U2) and 21st Century Schizoid Man (Voivod, Ozzy Osbourne, Tool) and am looking for at least 2 more.

What is better to protect a cell phone?

I have a samsung blackjack II and want to buy some type of cover to protect it, so what is best, a hard plastic clip on case, a glove, or a gel cover? I have had the gloves before on my first cell phone but have not used one since then (about 10 years ago) but since this is a "smart phone" i would like to protect it, As i have not used the other 2 i don't know which is best

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why cant i tell if he still thinks of me that way, or am i being compltly delusional.maybe hes just a nice guy?

It could be you both are thinking the same thing. Both of you are unsure. I say call him up and see if he has time to talk and work it out. The best way to know is to ask. Just do it in a way that seems sweet and a little naive. So even if he isn't interested in dating, you could be friends.

I cant type numbers on my keyboard?

before you tell me to hit the num lock key its not exactly not letting me type numbers but when i hit the number it types the character above it instead> and if you noticed the arrow there thats because i tried to type a period>i"m typing in caps lock right now because i have to type in caps lock to type in lower case> also its not the keyboard i just bought a new one plugged it in and its still doing this anyone who would like to help i would be very thankful best answer to the solution givin that works> oh one more thing when i use the scroll on on my mouse it goes back?forward

What percent of the earths forests have been deforested?

I have searched high and low to find this statistic, but i therefore cannot find it. Does anyone know what percent of the earths forests have been deforested?

LDS music - talks - books - suggestions?

Where are you at? surely you know of deseret book? they have a web page. you can get anything you want there books on Tape, Books, Music Cd's they have a daily email called lds I have 100s of books on tape buy Gerald Lund the Work and the Glory series 9 volumes the Kingdom and the Crown series 3 volumes. Ron Carter's prelude to Glory and on and on. you can hear speakers a, and of course from the Happy Mormon

Where's the strangest place you've ever spotted a footballer?

I saw David Seaman in John Lewis and Im not lying it was in London but still to see him there was quite funny,I it was after he retired and he was walking out the shop and despite being sorely tempted I didn't run after him.

Im a king to yahoo rappin?

Your future is not looking so bright, but you should still wear the shades out of embarrment. You untalented fool. Find another forum for your tripe.

Is there another TV program like the old BBC chronicles of Narnia?

is there a show thats from about the same time period or older, that has to do with british children, maybe in fantasy setting or something that was as good as the narnia show?

What do you think of Scarlet Johanson's singing?

I have mostly blocked it out after hearing it years ago, but I remember it was really really extremely bad.

My Heart Won't Go On And On.?

its nothing if ur healthy enough to drink 2litres of cola then dont worry yet dont exhaust ur body u'll need it when u grow up

Chemistry:(pressure and volume) Why must deep sea divers exhale as they ascend to the surface?

I believe because of the pressure in your lungs from going deep in the water (pressure) would cause your lungs (volume) to explode.

Paradox: Just looking for people opinions?

What do you do about a evil that can not be defeated with just mean? Do you stain your hands with evil to defeat evil, or do you stay stead vastly just and righteous even if it means giving in to evil?

I'm writing a research paper in MLA format. How do I do an in-text citation for a website?

My teacher told us how to do it for book. (last name of author, page #). But he didn't tell us how to do it for a website.

Does anyone else have family like this?

About 5 weeks ago we found out we were having twins. Ever since I got pregnant my brother in laws wife has been telling me that my other brother in laws GF was jealous and trying to get pregnant and saying a whole bunch of crap. About 2 months after I find out I am pregnant I find out that the BIL's Wife is the one trying to get pregnant not the other brothers girlfriend. Well about a week ago she calls me and says she is pregnant, while her husband and sister are saying there are no lines on the test. She went to the Dr and he also told her she was not pregnant. She will not return any ones calls or text anymore including my mother in laws. We found out what the Dr said because of her husband. I'm not the type to want alot of attention which is weird because I am an only child, where as she is an oldest and always has to be the center of attention. My mother in law was more worried about how she would handle having a second baby instead of me dealing with a 5 year old and a set of twins. Isn't that bad? What I'm wondering is, is it wrong of me to actually want some attention for once and to feel like she is trying to get back in the spot light? If it helps everything got worse with her when we found out one of the twins was a girl. It will be the first granddaughter and the 4th grandson.

Earthquakes help me out thanks?

Well a 6 is a much stronger quake,, but the buildings may have been built better to withstand the quake.

Was the Vikings beating the Cowboys their Super Bowl?

No way. They played to win last night. I don't know what game you were watching. It seemed like the Cowboys Superbowl was with the Eagles considering how they decided not to show up against the Vikings.

Have you thanked/praised God for these people?

For every non-believer out there in the world; and not getting down on your knees every day to praise, thank and ask God for help in our you I place the blame, and I may have to ask God to forgive me for saying it, but it had to be said. You have to open your eyes and heart to why things are taking place in our world. To God go the glory for the good things He has done! You dare to blame our God? Don't you want the turmoil to stop? Evidentally not otherwise you would try it God's way. As you say, what could it hurt? You can keep your 'intelligence', 'wit', 'life'...what would you be out? You could only gain. May God forgive us all for what we've all done!

Would Danny Gokey have sung 'No Boundaries' better than Kris Allen?

I had better say this first, I'm not a Gokey fan, as anyone who has a brain would know when I referred to him by his entire name. However, one thing I am VERY sure of is that the key of the song would not be too high for Gokey.

How to train abused miniature schnauzer?

hi, my family recently got a mini schnauzer and we found out after buying it that it was abused by the previous owner. but we decided to keep it anyway. its been about three or four days and improvements have been made but i was just wondering if there was anything we could do to speed up the process. she is very hesitant to come inside from our back yard, and also hesitant to leave the dog bed we have set up in our family room. she cowers from anyone who steps toward her and does not like to be cuddled with. she does not like to leave her cage either. whenever you want her to go someone you have to pick her up and take her there. she rarely plays with the other dogs and it is becoming more and more seldom. if anyone has any sort of helpful advice that would be terrific

When Jesus comes back, how are we going to know he is real?

All celestial objects will appear to fall from the sky including our sun and moon then the light of his glory will shine from east to west to light the earth as he descends from heaven with the sound of mighty trumpets................hard to be mistaken with all of that going on dude................

Secret santa gift ideas?

Best bet is a gift card to a store he really likes. Or a Visa gift card that he can use anywhere. It may not be personal but he can get what he wants.

Simple interest rates in math problems?

Homer won a prize in the lottery of $4,000, payable $2,000 immediately and $2,000 plus 4% simple interest payable in 250 days. Getting impatient, Homer sells the promissory note to Moe for $1,980 cash after 130 days. Using a nominal 360 day year, find the simple interest rate, rounded to .01, earned by Moe

Ollie help for skateboarding?

Basically I can lift the board off all four wheels and get a little bit of air but i can never land with both feet still on. I'm regular and my back foot (right foot) is always landing to the side of the board and never stays on. Help would be much appriciated.

Can anyone tell me what kind of Coach purse this is?

It is appx 4 inches tall and 6 inches wide and is rectangular with slightly rounded edges. It is the signature print in khaki with fuscia suede and wine leather trim. It has a thin wine leather strap that goes over the shoulder. It has an ID pocket on one side and the fuscia suede on the other. The original gift reciept says "4099 SV/KH K MINISIG MIN ZWII" and the number inside the bag is "H35-4099." It was purchased in December of 2003. Thanks!

Is John McCain a "Straight Talking Maverick" OR the biggest Flip-Flopper and the sequel to Bush's failures?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

One Economics problem, need help from someone who knows their economics?

2. increasing marginal cost. In my opinion this should be the answer, the explanation is simple the revenue whould be lower than the first sales' revenue because additional costs like product storage cost, overhead cost, etc. will be added to the product over a period of time. I think that in a monopolistic business diminishing marginal returns is not an issue as long that there is market demand.

Why do ionic compounds require being written w/ smallest whole number ratio and covalent compounds don't?

Why is it that ionic compounds have to be written using the smallest whole number ratio but covalent compounds don't have to follow the same rule?

My central heat and air unit froze up and thawed, now my ceiling is dripping water. what should I do?

You have 2 problems 1 was answered the other is you need to find the cause of the freezing up, check your charge (refrigerant)

Bowel movement changes and more?

It sounds like you might have IBS irritable bowel syndrome. My husband has that problem. Look it up on-line and go to the DR. My husband also takes this OTC pill you can get anywhere walmart or a drug store it's called Digestive Advantage for IBS

Is this outfit cute for my first day?

That's cute, but I don't like stockings under shorts; I think capris or jeans would look better, but that is a nice outfit anyway (:

Friday, August 12, 2011

Does anyone know of any chi yorkie or french bulldog breeders neer alabaster AL?

im looking to get one of theese dogs..... but need afordable prices 750 and under also the puppy has to be female

Am i the worlds dumbest b/f?

Absolutly not!!! I hate to break it to you hunny, but this guy seems to have played your girlfriend right into his crummy hands ;(. You see, when you express concern like that, girls take it one of two ways. We get it and leave the guy alone, or we want to see what he is "really" like and usually get sucked into his trap. Texting is fine between friends, even when they work together all the time, BUT, it is not normal to sign off with any kind of love statement, i.e. I love you, love ya, love ya lots, xoxo, etc. And when she doesn't want you reading them, that means that there is something that she does not want you to see, especially since these outbursts are new. I would normally tell you to talk it through, but since you have tried and nothing has came from it, I would just go ahead and tell her sorry, it's done with. Need anything else, just ask!

A question abut travelling.?

No. 1 is better as Alaska is a kind of far from Europe, although is near Canada. Bulgaria is a fun country as well as rest of Europe, so I will also choose 1 if I were you. But be warn that 1 week is not enough for explore the whole of Europe, so you should give out more time for Europe and less for Bulgaria, eg. Europe 3 weeks and Bulgaria another 3 weeks or so. So whatever your choose, good luck and have fun than.

Would a lawsuit prevent fake WWE 'raslin' from calling their activity 'wrestling'?

Since it is actually Roller Derby without the skates and causes confusion about what real amateur wrestling is all about

Which Rose variation name do you like best?

My favourite is Rosaline (ROZ-uh-line). I adore Rose as well, its a close second. I also like Rosabella, Rosalie and Roseanna. I don't like Rosie, Rosamund, Rosalyn or Rosemary.

Is there any kind of nipple that i can buy that will work for very thick formula?

I have gone through the business of poking extra holes or trying to enlarge them with a knife... but I'm wondering if any of you have found a certain type of nipple that works well for formula that is quite thick without having to try all of the Martha Stewart tricks???

Abnormal pap? 19 yrs old?

so this s my 2nd paps in 2 months that came back abnormal, and my doctor said i could or do have hpv and tues im gonna have the microscope thing done, but does this mean i have the thing that people with genital warts have? will i get them?! or like whats going on cause he said everything looked normal to him, so he didnt see warts=(

What is with this Pep? I mean, seriously, what is his problem?

barca won everything they've been in yet and you're, he's just confident cause barca really is one of the best clubs in the world but he can't be too confident can he? we'll see everything next week

Any advice/helpful hints for this new memoir please ?

I've started a childhood memoir about a hike in the woods w/my sister years ago. So far, I wrote a very nice intro regarding the scenery, the woods, when I found an arrow head and when we were shadowed by a falcon overhead. HOWEVER, there's no "conflict" or anything real dramatic. SO am having a difficult time for the point of this entire memoir besides the mutual enjoyment of the hike when we were kids out in the woods, and witnessing the beauty of the forest. It came out extremely spiritual, but would like to include some type of "resolution" after some kind of "problem" to complete this piece. How can I do this in a "light" way w/out making up some dilemma we faced when there wasn't any? We did get a little lost in there, but not for long however. HELP! Thanks :-)

I have some science questions. not that hard i just dont understand them! Please help!?

Me answering those questions will not help you understand them. Only reading about the topics those questions cover will help you gain knowledge in those areas.

Is this spider poisonous? picture included?

i found this of google images it looked like the spider in the image but it was smaller it didn't have any dots on its back either a href=",r:10,s:0" rel="nofollow"…/a


Just because I'm desperate and I'm willing to read through a bunch of B.S. in hopes of something real..... How can I get 5,000 dollars really fast????

Why did OJ go to jail or why was he suspected?

OJ became a suspect in the murder of his ex wife about 2 days after the event. He was in Chicago at the time, but the time line constructed by police indicated that he could have committed the crime before flying there. There was physical evidence such as the infamous bloody glove, cuts to his hand (his explanation of them were not credible), and the victims' dna in his vehicle. there was also cirstantial evidence (he had his pport, money, and a disguise in his SUV when taken into custody) as well. He was tried for murder, but for a number of reasons found not guilty. The reasons included evidence not admitted into court, testimony tainted by racial implications, the complexity of the scientific evidence (This is before CSI popularized forensics), and by a very highly paid defense team outgunning the LA District Attorneys office. Since he has been tried, he cannot be tried criminally for those crime again. He did however lose a civil case, where instead of meeting "beyond a reasonable doubt" as burden of proof, the suing families had only to meet a preponderence of evidence. They were also able to bring into play some of the evidence not used in the original trial. It seems now that OJ spends most of his time avoiding paying out on the civil trial while trying to maintain the style of living he always has. (and yes, I believe he's guilty, based on everything I've read on both sides)

Why don't our ape cousins talk? Or do they?

We superior humanoids have learned to communicate using a dual system of noises (consonants) and tones (vowels). Why aren't the apes smart enough to do the same.

Yet another plot question...REVISED!!?

Well the setting is somewhat generic (zombie malls have been done before). So try make your character memorable and not cliche.

McCain wants Off-shore drilling, nuclear power, alternative energy, and incentives to help solve the energy?

crisis while Obama says no to drilling (at least for now), possible nuclear exploration (originally said no, but flip-flopped), no gas tax relief, and yes to alternative sources. My Question- Libs keep saying that drilling and nuclear power will not give immediate relief and will take at least 7 years to even begin to help, but if we just try to goto an alternative only policy won't that take decades to actually come to be? Isn't a combination of ideas a much better policy than limiting to only one way?

Are lower back tatooo considered trashy if you have more than just that tattoo on your back?

A 'Tramp Stamp', which is a derogatory term for a certain type of tribal style lower back tattoo, is usually used by the geeks who aren't getting any, and a few hateful women who don't have the figure for them. All lower back tattoos do not fall into that category, but it's difficult to educate the mes, when the favorite American pastime is for people to spout derogatory things about others, the object being to make themselves look better, as if that makes any sense. The Grateful Dead logo would only be called a 'Tramp Stamp' by the ignorant and uninformed. I'm not real big on 'quote' tattoos, but hey, it's your ink. Whatever melts your er. But, like I said, lower back tattoos are fine, a lot of very nice women pay large amounts of hard-earned money to get really good work done in that vicinity, as well as other places. The really 'trashy' tramps of the world are actively vulgar-mouthed as well as promiscious. It has little or nothing to do with ink that costs hundreds of dollars in the first place. Eye-poppin' skin art doesn't come cheap. Neither do the women who go to the expense of wearing it. (P.S. Since you mentioned the Grateful Dead, if you can find it, there's a live album called Live Dead, released in '69, that has a blues cut called 'Death Don't Have No Mercy' which you've just gotta hear... it'll take your head off, and burn up your wires. Take care.

The Ratio of the potential Difference across a conductor to the current in the conductor is called?

i hate physics and stupid questions like this confuse me is it voltage resistivity resistance or power

Countdown Clocks For Websites?

I wanted one where i might be able to chose the background of the clock? like my own picture? if there isn't one then thats cool, i just need a good that will work with!

What form of Government do you like the best?

A Constitutional Republic based on strong Libertarian principles, such as our own, or atleast used to be.

18 year old birth certificate typo :(

Call or visit your state's vital records department. They'll be able to tell you how to get the form (usually called an Application for Correction).

What car can i afford?

i want to put 3000 down no more then that unless i have to and i wand my monthly payments to be 300 or lower i have no credit im 18 but my credit history is in good standing no late fees my co signer has a 602 credit i was looking for a tuner car like honda mitsubishi nissan and so on but i want it to be nice

What if World War II would have been prevented via modern day technology?

It couldn't happen its a paradox if they stopped ww2 it would mean they wouldn't know to go back and stop it also with out ww2 technology wouldn't be as advanced.

What do you think i should forgive and forget or end it?

OK .hmmmm.i was not at school for like 2 month cause i was sick .and i don't call anyone .aways when i went back to school my friend told me that my boyfriend was asking her out (FYI she said no) i went and ask him he said he did not know that she is my friend and he thought that i was not coming back to that school anymore ;because i did not call him (which is true and lost his number ).and i start quarreling with him .i got mad and walk a way .after school he came to me and ask for me number and i give and he was saying that he sorry . tonight he called me apologizing saying that he was sorry and he love me. what do u think i should do forgive or just end the relationship

What do you think of my Prologue for my book? I am 16.?

I thought it was great, a little sketchy here and there but all and all it was great, but I'm not sure for the name Imad, but hey Its creative :)

How to grow a pair and be confident?

You are growing up and you see yourself as others do more often. So now you do not want to look as foolish as when you where younger. This dose not make you dead just more mature and self educated. in the process of doing this you have just gotten out of practice talking to other people. You can improve on this by talking to everyone that you come in contact with. Even if it is just a "good morning" or " hi, how are you". people will notice and they will engage you in conversation then you have your chance to talk to anyone.

Why do people of religion regard our?

Most people are simply too uptight. They like to find problems where there aren't any. Though I Do think people should take care of themselves (like hygiene and overall health), I see no reason to get so formal about everything.

Which was not one of the possible mascots for early America?

It may have been the Dove or the Hawk, I know Ben Franklin wanted the Turkey and if he were alive today he would would have gotten his wish with the current speaker of the house!

I just introduced a baby rat to my three month old rat. Help.?

well u cnt force a rat to do wat it dnt want..if the rats dnt want to run in the wheel...big deal...u wasted 2 bucks...and rats have personalities like humans...if the dnt want to run and romp...big deal..(u did the right thing getting another one though)...just cause their not go giddy playing rats dnt mean they dnt enjoy the the other one is oldr and use to being alone....ur parents dnt expect you to go run around a play witheverone they introduce you to do they?....

TEENS: Are you proud of being with guys? Do you brag about it? (girls if your a guy)?

Not at all. Nobody knows about my personal life (THAT personal life) except my very very very best friends that I know will not tell a soul. My school's like yours as well, and I certainly do not want to be part of the little gang that are openly ual to everyone. It's weird =/. What on earth would I be doing bragging about ? It's not a competition lol.

What organizations can I join to help the US Communist Party win, without getting tainted by anti-communists?

As you said, you can join the CPUSA. They have application forms at the nearest Democratic party office.

I think (i know ) my boy friends best friend is my soul mate?

what do i do :S help it fells so right every time we speak when i see him i love him and want him i want to tell him how i fell but im worried as he is my boy friends best friend

My yahoo answers account has been closed ? level 2 & 1700 points why ?

it sound like some one reported you what we type might make the person mad or yahoo messed up if you got a violations and your point taken away you should have got a letter do not let one person dent your life they are only points but do go to fourms

Thursday, August 11, 2011

AP Bio - Question about dihybrid crosses/punnett squares?

Law of independent ortment states that allele pairs are separated independently when gametes are forming, which means the traits for the offspring are inherited separately. It doesn't matter if the chromosomes are separated -that's not the point. Kay, I can't help you beyond that cause what you said made no sense whatsoever. "Alleles were on separate chromosomes, there was a total of four different chromosomes"?? Makes no sense. Honestly, you're learning punnett squares in AP bio? Most schools teach this in gr.10 bio.

What type of engagement ring should b best fr a guy hu is a metalhead?

he luvs heavy metal...........he does music.....has his own band.......we r gettin engaged soon......soo was wondering what kind of ring should i buy...

Trouble mounting my tb x mare?? HELP?

HI, as title says i have a tbx cleveland mare she's 14yrs old ive had her for 5 wks now but sits been a nightmere, we've moved yards already as the old yard had rubbish hacking and a tiny school. Now ive ridden around 5 times since i got her frist time was fab all rest including today have been hard work, she is scared of mounting block and even with someone else holding her just moves when u trys to mount her?? looking for any ideas or surgestions as to how to help this problem

Biology homework help?

3. bacteriophage 12. plasmids , wow thought i knew more than that. im srry but unfortunately that is all i know.

Vocalists That Are ociated With Many Great Guitarists?

Ozzy has worked with some very talented guitarists. I've never been much of a fan but I know that he has had some good ones over the years

Blue eye/hair allele question?

if some freaky thing happened and blue eye color allele went into the allele for hair color, then would a person's hair turn blue?

In a recent answered I rec'd regarding how to get rid of an id or pword with a typo in it.?

The answer said to sign, then click on the one that has the error and delete it, I've tried on many different site and it does not work, is there another way. Thank you.

Poll what concerts have you been too?

i went to Avril Lavigne (did you go to the best dam tour in manchester?? thats where i went!!) taylor swift (JUSIN BIEBER WAS THERE!!!) and Im going to katy perry in the summer!!

What is the simplest encryption algorithm?

but can be achieved by VHDL code as there is a problem in for loop in this program& implimintation

I want to be a pilot in future. I live in Staten Island. Which high school offer the course that can help me?

I'm a freshman in Curtis High School but the programs offered there will not help me become the pilot I want to be in future.I live in Stapleton, Staten Island,N Y.I want the best possible high school that offers programs concerning aeronautics that will help me achieve my dream.

How much would this tattoo cost?

I wanna get a tattoo of a poem on my leg or forearm. The poem i want is called Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe and i also want a picture of edgar allan poe right underneath it How much or estimated guess will this tattoo cost? I'm 15 years old and just wondering so i can save up for when i'm old enough,

I want to win the lottery bec i want my familly out of det and living again?

Ok. This still isn't a question of any kind though, and winning the lottery is a game of chance, and a very incredibly low chance at that. There is no way to increase the chance of winning, if you did somehow find a way that is called cheating, and you go to jail or pay a large fine, making your situation worse. If you really want to help out your family, get a job, or maybe before that get an education so that you know how to spell properly and can get a better paying job.

Where do i buy a ozone generator in winnipeg mb ?

We have lots of pets and need one badly where can i buy one id rather buy one from a store then online.

Why does Facebook underline "Facebook" as a typo?

Because who ever designed the Facebook spelling checker just used all the words in the dictionary. Facebook is not in the dictionary.

Are girls that say,"Oh My God" all the time more likely to have a tramp stamp?

Never entertained the thought! I work in a tattoo studio, and put on quite a few lower back tattoos. Never heard a connection with that particular figure of speech! (by the way, we don't call 'em 'tramp stamps'. That's a derogatory term dreamed up by some narrow-minded geek who wasn't getting any) But nothing wrong with OMG!

I had a long time crush and i got his number secretly...?

He's going to see you as a stalker if you don't tell him who you are. Men don't like girls who stalk them when they don't know who they are. Wouldn't you be creeped out if a strange guy stalked you? Either face him or tell him who you are.

Why my eclectus runs from my husband and both will come to me and give me love.?

my two eclectus birds just came home and we have had them for a couple of weeks now.They are 5 months old and they both will run from my husband all the time even if he walks by and does not look at them .With me they come to me and give me love and snuggle.I don't understand why they are doing this to my husband he loves them to death. Please help he feels bad cause they love me and not him..

Are brain hemorrhages painfull?

my neighbors dog died of a brain hemorrhage today and i was just wondering how quick his death would be and if it would have been painfull

A sulfuric acid solution that is 34.0 % by m has a density of 1.25 g/mL. What is the molarity of the soluti?

A sulfuric acid solution that is 34.0 % by m has a density of 1.25 g/mL. What is the molarity of the solution?

What is the best quote from the movie Space?

I like "We aint found sh*t" the 2 black dudes combing the desert with a pick, and "now you know why evil will always triumph over good, cuz good is dumb."

How can I improve this part of my story?

You could put the part about Charlie after you describe Anthony and Peyton's interactions so that the reader doesn't have to jump back and forth with what is going on. You could use different words for "forever worrying," and you could split the "Charlie was watching" sentence into two sentences, taking out the word "so" to make it a little easier to understand. Yes it makes me want to read on! Great job!

O crap WQ inside?

yep edge is facing HHH for tha title vickie made the match herself. and its on but sometimes things change.

My Cat is Scaring Me...?

He MIGHT be playing, but only you can tell. Maybe he was extra frisky today for some reason, you never can tell with cats!


I WANT TO burn arabic music into cd,but i need the website for the must include egytian music,saudi ,lebanese any arabian country

Is my sister coming on to me?

She doesn't know how to be family. You should be able to wear a bathrobe around the house 24/7 if you want because it's all family around there. Families should be close enough to know that none of them are coming onto any other and if one does, he or she shall be shunned. She may have been curious about you in a non-family kind of way. If she was curious about you that way, then she hasn't accepted the fact that she's your sister.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is ticket scalping (selling outside a venue for higher price than face value) legal or illegal in NEW JERSEY?

Have to 4th row tix to Bon Jovi 2morrow night in Newark & need to sell them. Will sell for face if have to, but paid much more! Coming from out of state, so i don't know the laws there. Help!

Little Big Planet Connection Server problems ( Full Game)?

The Little Big Planet game servers go up Monday, October 27th thats why you can't connect but hey it is a great game so I can wait what about you?

Is John McCain a Maverick or not?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

So what type of A.B.U are you ....?

im definitely type B... there's no "brown envelope" or referee bribery that's going on everytime United plays, im not disillusioned to think there isn't some cheating sometimes in sports. But it happens in every sport everywhere in the world, its not just in English football

Interesting math topics for research paper?

For my calculus cl I have to write a 10 page paper on a math topic. My teacher just shot down my topic, so I need another one. I would like something interesting since after the paper we are giving a presentation on our topic to the school, like a math fair. I did this last year so it is not new to me. My teacher did not like my topic last year, so I would like something awesome to make up for last year and blow her away! Topics that have already been done: cryptography, symmetry, elasticity, fractals, fib. seq., golden ratio, bubbles, games... I'm just looking for some inspiration! Thanks in advance!

The episode of American Dad where.. (cont.)?

All I remember is there's a hispanic male on what looks like a riding mower, and he's about to crash into a hedge, so he jumps out in slow motion, and then the mower stops running, way before it even gets close to the hedge.

English twelfth night?

This is a huge question, do you need definitions of the features, or are you actually asking us to apply these features to the whole play? If the latter, then you are not going to get any answers. Can you clarify what you actually mean by your question and I'll try and help you.

Monetary policy and interest rates?

When you reduce the supply of something, it's price rises. When you increase the supply of something it falls. Money is just one of those somethings. When the Fed increases the money supply, the short term price of money (interest) falls. Long term interest rates are the sum of a real interest rate plus and insurance premium. If you ume that the Fed is going to continue to increase the money supply, then you will have a large inflation premium for long term rates. Ergo, a money supply increase wil decrease short term prices, but may increase the long term price.

Why do people always try to act so tough on Call of Duty Online games?

Black Ops, MW2, COD4. Whatever online FPS and stuff. 8 year old kids or not. Why do people try to act so tough online? Geez.. It's only a game. I kinda just laugh it off. Just because they can say "n*gga and f#ck this and that with death threats" it apparently makes them super tough online. I got this dude really mad at me once just through playing and then ertive talking him, he went on to say about how he was a "G" and that he would find and kill me because he's a millionaire and he sits on a golden throne? I kinda just cracked up.. So really. I usually don't meet many people like this on the streets. So why with all the aggressiveness?

What is being separated during anaphase of mitosis?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Where can i get information about the auto auctions in Curtis/Bowmanville ON?

I am looking to buy a car is auto auction a good option or should i try kijiji. I have heard about a monthly auction in curtis but can't seem to find details anywhere. please help!

Did Liberals hold a vigil for Ethel and Julius Rosenberg yesterday on the annivesary of their trial?

No, but we did go to Judith Rosenberg's surprise 40th birthday party. It was a blast! The party was held in a cabin they rented at the county park. It was a little muddy because it had rained the night before. The birthday girl had on a blue, knee length jersey dress with matching blue shoes. She looked beautiful! Her husband, Morty, planned the entire party right down to the roses and baby's breath that adorned the tables. For dinner we had New York Strip steaks cooked on the grill by cousin Ruby. He' such a good cook. We also had baked potatoes with non-dairy sour cream and chives. Judith's sister-in-law, Andrea, proposed a wonderful toast to Judith and it was so nice, as Judith is a cancer survivor. Everyone cried. The kids played outside after dinner and were covered with mud. Morty ordered an ice cream cake, Judith's favorite. Inscribed on it was, "ask a stupid question get a stupid answer."

Do you think Misty May made the tramp stamp popular again with the win?

no. tramp stamps are stupid and if someone were to get one soley because she has one would be even more idiotic than the tramp stamp itself.

Removing tarter at the dentist?

I have dark brown stuff on the bottom on my bottom teeth. But its only a little. Is it tarter? will it hurt to get off at the dentist? Im going today.

Help think the answer to this brain teaser?

Ok... a kid and his dad were in a bad car accident... they were sent to different hospitals, when the kid went to the theatre for an operation the doctor said..' I cannot do this operation, this is my child'... any thaughts to a logical explanation...

Severe sinus problems - blood?

I have question about some sinus pain. I've had some severe sinus pressure for about 1 1/2 weeks now. Funny thing is, no stuffy nose really, no green or yellow stuff. Just pressure. This morning, I woke up with a little blood in my mouth from back drip (I have some allergies and wake up a little congested most mornings) I kept spitting it out. It went away. Then just now, blew my nose, a little blood in the kleenex. Getting a little scared, this has never happened before. My dad said its probably sinus infection, swollen membranes and stuff and he scolded me for using the OTC 4 way nasal spray for more than 3 days. Has this ever happened to anyone? I'm a little bit of a hypochondriac so I'm getting a little scared. I've got a dr. appt. this afternoon, just though I would check in here.

Go to Bangkok next week, need help.....?

Try Bo-bae Towers and market for your shopping and don't forget to visit the Grand Palace while in Bangkok. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is the internet on the Blackberry Curve 8310 slow?

The Curve works fine but the internet is subject to the speed of the EDGE network. If you can tolerate it, it's okay but you may find that newer phones are faster. The Blackberry Bold for example is the first Blackberry to use AT&T's 3G network, which is 2.5 times faster then the EDGE network. I use a Curve 8310 now and love it but I wish the internet was a little faster too.

How to protect Suede shoes?

So i bought a reallly cute pair of suede shoes and not i'm thinking that they might get damaged if i step in water or something like there something i could put on it to protect it???

Will one or two 1 1/2 inch cichlids cause a huge ammonia and nitrite spike?

As long as you keep a close eye on your water readings, and do the required water changes to keep the readings within safe levels, you can try it if you must. They will survive if you stay on top of it, although if you wish to cycle with fish, I think a common goldfish or two would be a better option.

A girl is being vindictive toward me and I didn't do anything. What can I do?

It was orientation at my school. I happened to be walking to the auditorium from using the bathroom. As I was walking, I was messing with this funky stretchy yo-yo like toy: Pull it back and it flings foward very far. I wanted to see how far it could go (you can see where this is going). The halls were, for the most part empty... This prep, this myopic, asinine little tart turns the corner the SECOND I let go. Before the F-Bomb when through my mind, she was struck. And ,of course, in her chest of ALL places. I quickly apologized and she "accepted" it. I go back to the auditorium and the school officer pulls me out. The girl is next to him crying like she witnessed her family being executed!!! Her mother, angry like her husband cheated on her!!! Me, confused as all hell!!! She went to him and called "ual ault". Thankfully, I was cleared of charges (yes I was charged AND went to court) but her friends and boyfriend want to make school very hard for me. I know every girl on earth is supposed to hate me, but I didn't think I was supposed to go this far. What can I do? I need some help or a way to cope with harment. Changing schools is not possible, I'm dead If I can't find a solution! Please, no trolling.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


i LOVE my bf of 2 yrs, we had a rocky 3 months so far, with breaking up & him looking for me & getting back together. He has an issue with expressing his emotions which I am now better understanding (research, books, etc.), I've wanted him to express it like me, but Men are different & although he doesn't say it, he sure does show it but then he becomes scared & backs away for several days, a week & a half at most, I don't hear or see him. But when he reappears he shows me that i'm the ONE. Unfortunately, this has happened since 3 months ago, & have found that this is typical 4 some men. He feels so much, he is scared to be so vunerable to some1. What are your thoughts & what can I do to let him understand I'm not going anywhere because I've decided he is for me as well. How can I deal with this without it hurting me? Thanks !

Physics help????? Kinetic Energy=1/2mv^2???????

A car traveling at 50 km/hr skids a distance of 35 m after its brakes lock. Estimate how far it will skid if its brakes lock when its initial speed is 100 km/hr.

Who was french physicist pierre curie? & what is the curie point?

I'm not going to give you extract of what I found, but try the link below which gives a biography of Pierre Curie and if you google his name, there are other websites to help you.

I dont think Im the stereotypical bi?

what kind of town do you live in? you would rule in my city and all the guys would want a hot bi-chick

Who is doing worse Chivas, America, or Pumas?

chivas have not been playing their best lately just wait a little bit more and see how these teams are doing

Is attacking McCain's war record the worst case of Democratic political suicide since...nominating John Kerry?

Obama said nothing of the sort. I am electing Obama, not those beneath him. And for the record, I really don't think McHitler is any war hero. Many young American men died in the Vietnam war. McCain got captured, squealed all his info to the enemy, and then left two of his fellow soldiers to die while he escaped. Some hero!

Am I now ready to add 3 female and one male Betta fish into my aquarium?

I'm not sure you have enough room for all those fish. Male bettas do attack females sometimes and it is best not to house them together unless they are breeding. I've heard of people having peaceful betta communities, but only in large tanks like 20 or 30 gallons with lots of plants and driftwood so the females have lots of places to hide if they need it. I think if you put them all in such a small tank your going to have fights on your hands.

Am I screwed for college?

I'm a senior and I'm a very good student. I'm ranked 6 out of 122. I'm the president of student council, the VP of National English Honor Society, and the Co-director of another club. I'm also in the NHS. I've always gotten 90s in school but this year has been a struggle. I got 500s on the SAT, a 3 on the AP US and I just took midterms and got a 46 on my calculus midterm (I hate that cl) even though I have an 80 in the cl. Are colleges going to see 90s and then that big ol' 46 and reject me if I applied to selective schools like Var? I'm freaking out over here!

I put a message in the im box but when i press send in dont go in the top part ?help?

i put tex in my im box and click on send,but it dont go in to the top bit of the box,and i cant get through to anyone ,please help me,thank you xxxxxxxxx

Gamestop Shiny Raiku Event Trade? (Offering level 100s, EV trained/IV bred, Events, shinies, and more)?

I can make you a Raikou and Entei using pokesav!And yes It will work for Pokemon Black and White because I made a whole bunch of Arceus' to do the Arceus Event in Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver. Contact me at if you're interested...and I will give this to you for free!

So Jon Bon Jovi is richer than Metallica but has sold less albums?

I can't for the life of me remember, but I read a list yesterday of the world's 25 richest musicians, and it was from a very reputable source, I think it was Forbes? it said that U2 was the richest, then Bon Jovi, then AC/DC or something like that. It had justin bieber and Rhianna in there, too. But apparently Metallica was not even included, despite the fact that they have sold 200million albums worldwide, as opposed to Bon Jovi's 120 million. As far as I know Metallica also plays huge arenas incredibly often so Why are they not even in the top 25th spot? I have a feeling that the media is extremely buyist even in this information. What do you guys think?

Why do countries with Universal Health Care tend to have higher suicide rates than countries without?

Your exceptions lol. That's like saying you may anything on your pizza except pepperoni, mushrooms, peppers and onions, cheese.

Where can you download a free chess book/handbook which is printable ?

I am looking for chess book which can make me improve my chess skills and me me a grand master !!!!!!

Complete the sentence?

I love a bargain as much as anyone and I used to love all the cheap stuff I could find on eBay, but nowadays it seems so hard to find anything cheap over there and just when we're all finding it tougher to just pay our bills. I don't give up so I was looking for someplace online where I could still find myself a bargain... and by accident I came across this site I never heard of before where you get rock bottom prices from police impounded stuff, I mean I was worried about scams but this stuff is actually real and I got some real cheap stuff there... it's become my new eBay lol! Go to

If you were Mr. Belding from Saved By the Bell...?

would you have been willing to bring back corporal punishment where Zack Morris is concerned? Seems like detention never really got through to him.

Why are men like this?

I have a cold but still have my family to cook,and clean for.My Hubby gets the same cold I have been fighting,he gets it yesterday and now he acts like he is dying.He acts very sick and is whinning cause his head is stuffy.Well boo hoo.NoOne cared that I have had the cold for a week now.

Betfair Betting Help?

Was wondering if there is any signs to look out for, to know if the back will increases/decrease or the lay increase or decrease. Also you see the main two ons back and lay, I notice you have two boxes to either side of these, with a an odds figure and value, likewise the two main back and lay ons have the odds value and the the value inside, what are these ons all telling me. Thanks for any help on this.

Nascar Nation? My son and I need your help?

Ok gang, most of you know me....and I only ask for help when I really need it. My son and I are about to start building our first ever Pinewood Derby car. I have tried to ask this question in other sections but it keeps igning it to Horse Racing or Needlepoint Crafts???? So I am asking my fellow Nascar Nation for help. I need some tips/tricks to build a good car. I am pretty much useless when it comes to building things so it needs to be easy. We are not looking to blow the field away and we don't want to cheat. Just want to build a good car that can hold it's own. Does any one know of a website or books (Pinewood for Dummies????) that I could use to help me NOT to let my son down. As always I thank you for your support and help with this means alot. Thanks!

Foamy water in beta ?

It is a bubble nest, males make them out of pure instinct. You do not need to breed your betta for him to have a long and happy life, in fact I would advise against this. Breeding bettas is tricky and should be left to professional breeders with many and larger tanks. Plus, what would you do with the babies when they grow up?

What is a good freeware program that will allow me to add cool fx to a video?

Unfortunately such a thing doesn't exist. Video FX software is very expensive. I'd recommend getting the trial of Adobe After Effects though. You can download it from

I love her is there any hope?

met cindy sanabria in 8th grade, the most beautiful girl i had ever seen in my young life. When valentines day came, they sold candy grams in my skool, and i sent her a few with a heart in them and one for friends. Some of her friends told me that she liked me, etcc... But i as the idiot that i am acted like a jerk, was never able to look her in the eyes, and did stupid stunts just to impress her, and she always laughed. Nut we have never had a conversation, not even a Hi. 2 and a half years later, we are in our junior year, have taken many of the same cles like anatomy, etc... but never fallen under the same cl period. i see her in the halls everyday, library etcc...... i know that she knows i really like her, and she hasnt had a boyfriend yet. this i her description of the kinda guy she likes according to my scinece teacher from last year which i asked her to ask cindy: she likes tall, i am 6 foot 2, and with surfer hair, which i just coindidently have had since i entered highschool. the reason why i have given so much precise detail is in hopes that someone can tell me or give me some advice, am i suppose to after such a long time just walk up to her and tell her i like her?!?!?! she has even talked to my mom in middle school whener one of my crazy stunts got me in trouble since she was the istant in the office. at this point i would settle for just being friends with her. oh i forgot to describe her: she is one of the top students in both middle and now in highschoo, about 5-3, etcc.

Need some information about firearms and hunting?

yep 100 grain is bullet-projectile weight. u can kill a lot of things with correct placement of bullet! stopping power depends on caliber, distance , load etc.

How to dress for church in winter?

Hi all. I'm having a bit of a dilemma. My boyfriend is going to Kuwait next month and before he goes he is taking leave this week so we will be visiting his family. He's from Ohio and I'm from Texas so I haven't been up north much less experience the weather. I'm afraid I may not be appropriately dressed for church and the weather. When I was in high school my church was pretty casual and people mostly wore nice shirts or even just jeans and t-shirts. I was thinking about wearing a nice dress and maybe pantyhose but I'm not sure what else I would wear. I don't know if i should wear boots or dressy shoes. What could I wear to stay warm but still look nice? If it's any help, I'm 19 years old so I want look like an adult but not too old. Thanks!

If Sarah Palin and Nancy Pelosi were to run in 2012, who would you vote for?

Lets see Sarah Palin has around an 80% approval rating as Governor of Alaska. Nancy Pelosi is in charge of the House of Representatives which has around a 9% approval rating. The numbers say it all.

Neon Tetra tail Bitten off? Grow back?

its tail will not grow back it will be a little white nub. get an iguana if you want a pet that regenerates body parts. sorry

Im freaking out! i need to ask a guy to a sadies dance! andy ideas?

im a freshman hes a junior.. hes my boyfriend.. i need a cute way to ask him to a sadies dance!! any ideas? hes a snowboarder and he has a car.. if that helps

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why do some people put "ii" as the pronoun "I"?

It must be some new fad because notice in the first link the person messed up and spelt the first two I's correctly.

Can I mount my HDTV above my fireplace mantle?

My friend says there will be too much heat, but my fireplace has an insert that allows the bricks to stay cool to the touch. I also have a blower that blows the hot air out not up. I have a 72" wide floor to ceiling fireplace chimney. Please give me some advice on this.

In the reading "THE CASK OF AMONTILLADO" Edgar Allan Poe, what is the epiphany?

In the reading "THE CASK OF AMONTILLADO" Edgar Allan Poe, what exactly would the epiphany be?

Did the Mayans and Aztecs ever interact?

When the Aztecs were around, the Mayans were mostly finished. Was there ever interaction, trade, wars, etc between the remaining Mayan city-states and the Aztec people. I know that the Aztec calendar was based on the Mayan one. How did it get there?

Do you have a music vice.....?

Some people would consider my love and affection for the B-52's a vice, but I don't care. I also really dig They Might Be Giants--awesome band if you can get past the singers' nasally voices!

HELLO, people from Eastern Montana that are in Speech and Drama....?

If your in speech and drama and live in Eastern Montana, and are going to the meet in Sidney this weekend, i would love to know what your doing (Hum Duo, Serious Solo, Ect.) and what its about, I"m just really excited!!! I'm doing Hum Duo and its about a guy that is mad because someone else is standing in his spot......woo hoo!!!!!

Transferring bogwood from goldfish tank to tropical tank?

The ich parasite only lasts about a month anyways, so you would be fine to move it without boiling it. Of course, boiling it won't hurt anything either. Just do it!

I have a 1994 honda prelude type S manual.?

I'm hearing this weird noise as if you were to take your fingernail and tap it real fast against wood. It happens when i accelerate, but when i'm at a red light you dont hear it. It sounds like it's coming from the engine, but I dont know much about cars. My mechanic use a stethoscope and listen for the sound and he told me it was my alternator, but I just bought it. The noise sounds like it's coming from the right side of the engine where the oil cap is on my prelude. The weird thing is that the car still drive normal. Any body know what the problem is. I'll really appreciate it. ;)

Is it wrong to want more children?

i think maybe you should be supporting the children that you already have, especially your 15 yr old daughter. she is going to need lots of help and attention .

Friend problem, what should I do? 10 points for best answer!?

Well, still be very nice to her, anyway. I don't think you have to worry about her thinking she is your best friend because you were nice back. You won't become best friends unless you really click together, and I don't think ya'll will click. Even "abby" lol will probably feel that your not really besties. I hope this works out!

Who is the "Pilot's thumb" in Macbeth?

Also, who is the "signs of nobleness", "the raven", and "jump the life to come". Any help will be appreciated! 10 pts!!!

Wow. I just found out I'm ROYALTY over a website...?

This isnt a troll. Ok. I was doing some work, and I found out I am royalty. So, basically, Macbeth (of scotland) killed my grandfather. Does this mean I am the rightful heir? MACBETH'S DECENDENTS ARE RULING SCOTLAND RIGHT NOW ! Does this mean I am the rightful heir? I am not macbeth's decendent. What should I do?

Do I have the Swine Flu?

Theres always a chance but i dont think you do. you can always go to the docter and get a test to see if you have swine flu.

Was it just me or did Brett Favre look as if he wanted to cry after the game?

yeah i was watching that press conference and i was thinkin the same thing. he looked like he was in a lot of pain as he walked away.

What is the name of the newist bruno mars cd?

i went to the store looking for it i asked and they didnt know what cd i am talking about thanks for your help

Is Revelations 13, 10 referring to Satan's Secret society and spiritual captivity to Witchcraft?

YES u are absolutley correct our generation is being saturated by the occult satan knows his time is short.

Creationists ! Is it wrong to speculate or use intellect in contemplating how God created the cosmos?

Of coarse not. We were given intelligence and an inquisitive nature. What could be wrong in using these traits to try and understand God's creation?

Steps of Cellular Respiration?

ya steps are correct,, but in ETC you have written proteins, which are not only protein but are complex of various protein and non protein parts.

What does your religion, or lack thereof, say about this?

I don't think they should be putting anything in our water! What does this have to do with religion and spirituality again?

Meaning of this: "You're not sorry to go, of course. With people like us our home is where we are not..."?

"You're not sorry to go, of course. With people like us our home is where we are not... No one person in the world is necessary to you or to me."~F. Scott Fitzgerald

Meiosis and crossing over. . .?

what do u mean by meeting of gametes in meiosis? meiosis occurs in a gamete and it happens in meiosis.

When is the U.S. Census data going to be released?

I was just wondering when the U.S. census data was going to be released, and also if the U.S. census asked about Religious affiliation? Thank you :)

Evangelical Pentecostal fundies why do you use vain repitition?

The key word is "vain" (meaningless per your version quoted). Repetition alone is not forbidden. God looks at the heart, man looks on the outward appearance.

Which of these pieces of jewelry is the cutest? pics?

I would def buy 3 & 4 together. I know they are 2 different colors, but I always thought pink and purple go well together. I love the cameo look even though I don't personally own any. I think they are all cute to be honest. :) hope that helps you.

How can I find out if I believe in God?

I'm not sure. My upbringing points to a God, but education and intellect say otherwise. I was raised in a Christian family, but I don't know if I believe in a God that sends people to hell because he didn't like the way the person believed. I think it's unfair of a God to send people to hell because someone was Buddhist or Hindu and not Christian. I may not agree with Protestant Christianity. I am not sure.

Puppy born 4/19/11, he is sick! Any one know how to help?

My girl had her puppies on the 19th... She had 4, one was still born & the other three made it. Well we have been noticing the only boy in the group... He still is the size he was the day he came out, he doesnt eat, he had runny poo, his skin seemed like he was dehydrated. He also cant move around like the other two & he doesnt whine really loud like them either. Tonight, we checked on her & she had him away from her & the other two & when he would attempt to get to her, she would push him back. We even tried helping him onto her nipple so he could eat, and she kicked him off... So, I decided to try to care for him. Right now I have him in a little plastic box wrapped in a wash cloth & in a big fleece blanket, with a warm water bottle beside him. He wont eat a bottle, Ive been using a syrange (sp?) to try to give him formula & sugar water. I clean him with cotton dipped in warm water. Anyone know of anything else to do for this baby? Any ideas on feedings?? Any help will help alot!

Am I soprano or alto?

I can sing from e below middle c to g6. I have always thought (and I still think) that I am soprano, but now conductor of my choir wants me to be an alto, and not a soprano anymore. I really love high notes and I really want to be a soprano opera singer when grow up. This really bothers me, so please tell me am I an alto, a soprano or both?

I'm probably really mean..?

There's this kid that claims to "like" me, but seriously I dont know him. He just like my looks I guess. But he's shy and their friends always bother him about me. It gets really annoying because they say things about me, sometimes its really inappropriate things to say. & it pisses me off because they use my name and say things about me. Like wtf, I dont like him. They shouldnt say anything about me at least, they say vulgar things. It gets me so annoyed, am I mean for getting annoyed that this kid likes me? He's the type of guy that has never gone out with a girl before and still has "crushes" or whatever, because it's not like I've gotten to know him to give him reason to actually like me. Other guys like my looks too but its not like theyll start "liking" me, they just tell me im pretty and thats it. What can I say to this kid in the nicest way possible..? it gets me so annoyed.

Is it possible for a 20 year old to fall for a 16 year old?

it might be possible, but then hed be a pedo for liking you. Dont even think about getting with him cause im pretty sure that illegal.