Sunday, August 14, 2011

I have a six month old Angus steer, who appears injured, but I can't get near him (he's unhandled). Help?

He arrived 4 days ago with 6 other steers, and we were (and still are) keeping them in the cattle yard until they settle. Only this particular steer got out on the first night, and went to a neighbours property, in search of his mother. I spotted him amongst their herd of dairy cows, and he looked fine - not lame or otherwise unhealthy. The neighbours brought him back the next day, and he was quite worked up, and they commented that he's quite wild, and that he 'had a go' at one of the men that morning. Now, he's still much more wary than the other steers - seems very frightened of humans. But he's quite lame on his right foreleg, and reluctant to move too much, although still eating his hay and moving away from us if we approach. He also seems to be shaking slightly. Any ideas would be most appreciated - I am new to cattle. It's a genuine question so genuine answers only please. I don't need to be insulted.

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