Saturday, August 13, 2011

Does anyone else have family like this?

About 5 weeks ago we found out we were having twins. Ever since I got pregnant my brother in laws wife has been telling me that my other brother in laws GF was jealous and trying to get pregnant and saying a whole bunch of crap. About 2 months after I find out I am pregnant I find out that the BIL's Wife is the one trying to get pregnant not the other brothers girlfriend. Well about a week ago she calls me and says she is pregnant, while her husband and sister are saying there are no lines on the test. She went to the Dr and he also told her she was not pregnant. She will not return any ones calls or text anymore including my mother in laws. We found out what the Dr said because of her husband. I'm not the type to want alot of attention which is weird because I am an only child, where as she is an oldest and always has to be the center of attention. My mother in law was more worried about how she would handle having a second baby instead of me dealing with a 5 year old and a set of twins. Isn't that bad? What I'm wondering is, is it wrong of me to actually want some attention for once and to feel like she is trying to get back in the spot light? If it helps everything got worse with her when we found out one of the twins was a girl. It will be the first granddaughter and the 4th grandson.

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